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greenhub goes field farming? 

greenhub vertical farming goes field farming

After a series of insightful days at F&A Next in Wageningen and the Food and Beverage Expert Days in Leipzig organized by Siemens, it was time to step outside the indoor farming bubble.

Ziel SH e.V. (Zentrum für innovative Ernährungs-, Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Schleswig-Holstein) hosted the green innovation days over the past two days, focusing on innovation across the entire agricultural industry, with a special emphasis on field farming. This gave us the chance to engage in stimulating and constructive conversations about the perception of vertical and indoor farming outside of our usual sphere.

During a panel discussion hosted by the German AgriFood Society about AI and its potential to revolutionize agriculture, Alexander Jaworski shared insights on the developments within the indoor farming industry and the immense potential it can have for greenhub.

A huge thank you to Jan Henrik Ferdinand and Lisa Hansen-Flüh for guiding us through these two days. Also, a big thank you to Liliana Rahn for inviting us to the Siemens expert days as an exhibitor.

Now, we turn to you: What potential do you see for AI in agriculture, especially for vertical farming? Are we building another hype, or is this a genuine transformation in how we grow food? And, are digital twins the key to advancing digitalization in machinery, production systems, and cultivation processes? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 💬🌾

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