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Are you looking to get into light recipes to boost crop yields?

light recipes to boost crop yield greenhub vertical farming

💡 Are you looking to get into #light recipes to boost crop yields? Are you interested in whether conclusions from research papers can be translated to scaled farms and for which crop types and varieties? How much does investing in newer more efficient #LEDs going to help at scale depending on your geographical location and your energy sources?

👩‍🔬 Take matters into your own hands and start testing in the #GreenResearcher with dimmable LEDs you can play around with 4 channels, you can test different wavelengths, photoperiods, different light intensities and calculate the DLI in real time.

👩‍💻 This way depending on which crop type you choose or when you are trying a new variety you can better navigate and motivate your choices as a grower or researcher when choosing your LEDs to use!

❤️ / 💙 For example, if you want to look into the red to blue ratio in different life stages of your crop testing in our setup makes it very easy to find your ideal ratios. Without the risk of losing production in your scaled setup. If you operate in a research lab comparing the different layers with different light treatments can help you reach reliable results faster without having to design your setup yourself.

❤️If you want to boost vegetative growth you might want to go for a more red spectrum. 💙 While if you are seeking to boost flavour and go for a more crisp and compact form you could consider navigating more to a blue spectrum.

📽 As you can see in the video how easy it is to adjust your recipe and track it over time with the hashtag#FarmManagementApp 📲 . You can distinguish easily between vegetative growth 🌱 light recipes and adjust as the plant matures to an end-of-life treatment or switch in light recipe during the flowering 🌷 or fruiting stage 🍅 .

📣 If this sparks your interest or want to talk about LED recipes and structure your trials with the GreenResearcher, reach out!

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