
Get in touch for interviews and statements.

Empowering Agriculture with Smart, Data-Driven Solutions

We welcome press requests. Mostly we speak about plant science, indoor farming, CEA, digital twins, Ai in CEA … 

greenhub publications

Latest publications

iGrow News I Founding Vision & Early Challenges: The Story of greenhub Solutions

agritecture I greenhub solutions: Leveraging R&D and Agronomic Talent

iGrow News I Siemens Frankfurt Branch Initiates On-Site Vertical Farming

Siemens Press Release I Siemens-Niederlassung Frankfurt betreibt Vertical Farming für den Eigenbedarf

Vertical Farmin Daily I greenhub seeks to enhance partnerships and industry trust

MDR I Leipziger Unternehmen entwickelt System für vertikale Landwirtschaft

Urban Vibe I This interview details greenhub.

Gemüse Magazin I GreenResearcher was showcased at Agritechnica

HTWK I Rückblick auf die Leipziger Gründungsnacht

futureSAX | Nominiertenportrait Gründerpreis 2023 | greenhub solutions GmbH


mewedo I SensCEA - SAB Innovationsprojekt

Universität Leipzig I AG Greenhub

Press kit

Image: GreenResearcher

Copyright: greenhub

GreenFarm OS

Image: GreenFarm OS

Copyright: greenhub

logo greenhub

Image: greenhub Logo

Copyright: greenhub

Alexander Jaworski I Founder greenhub I CEO greenhub

Image: Alexander Jaworski - Founder, CEO

Copyright: greenhub

Kay Plat I Founder greenhub I CEO greenhub

Image: Kay Plat - Founder, CTO

Copyright: greenhub

team greenhub

Image: greenhub Team

Copyright: greenhub

Isabelle van Doorn I Marketing greenhub

Press contact

About greenhub

At greenhub solutions GmbH, we’re connecting commercial vertical farming and plant research through our innovative products, GreenResearcher and GreenFarm OS. Our mission is to provide advanced, data-driven tools that enable precise control, real-time monitoring, and comprehensive analysis, helping our partners achieve optimal efficiency and productivity.

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